Monday, November 14, 2011

Prosperity Mine's New Challenge to Fish Lake

Taseko Mines Puts New Prosperity Proposal to Federal Government
Taseko Mines has submitted a new proposal for the Fish Lake Prosperity Mine.

The "new" proposal would see a tailings pond created upstream from Teztan Biny (Fish Lake), rather than draining and filling in the lake itself.

Others have done a much better job of summarizing the risks this new proposal creates for the local ecosystem, the rivers and the people of Xeni Gwet'in. Below are a set of links to recent articles:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fracking Poisons Aquifers

How can a modern nation like the United States allow poisons to be pumped into aquifers?

Fracking Pumps Poison Into Groundwater

Fracking pumps poison into the aquifers but the industry wants us to ignore that:

This is the industry’s “let’s be reasonable” talking point. It’s the industry saying it wants to dump a bunch of poison into our water. Then we say: “Hey, don’t poison our water!” And the industry responds with: “Well, let’s compromise. We’ll just dump less poison in your water.”

Fracking is FRICKING suicidal!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Philosophy of the Globalizing Market Economics Versus Capitalism

To ask hard questions such as what is wrong with the currently used Economica of Capitalism that brought the Recession of 2007-09 has been avoided for a very long time, but finally these questions must be directed and answered appropreatly if the next recession is to be avoided indeed.